Why should we celebrate Hispanic Heritage month?
Well not only does it help represent Latinos and the Hispanic community but it helps us as Latinos feel heard. Hispanic Heritage Month started 1968, That was 55 years ago. Hispanic Heritage Month wasn’t always a month. But a week until President Ronald Reagan suggested that National Hispanic Heritage Month should be 30 days. Starting from September 15 and ending October 15. This was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.

I‘m Mexican American and I’m proud to be Hispanic thanks to our school I feel more comfortable knowing we as Hispanics are being celebrated and acknowledged. Here at Fern Creek High Every morning starting Sept 15 our school has shared many interesting facts about Hispanic culture, even some of its history. In most classes around the school teachers will take some time to talk about an important Hispanic person. Someone who made a difference in today’s world such as Cesar Chavez (A national- farmer), Janet Gutierrez ( A biologist) hundreds of Hispanics have made a great impact on our society today as well as our country.
Not only do these people impacted our life’s in a significant way, but they have also changed the norms of their culture daring to go above and beyond to prove that Hispanics can do anything imaginable.
Ms. wright has been more than amazing to help with a school drive called LA casita. La Casita is a community center that gives resources to immigrant families, as well as Latino families that need help. This community center holds a pantry that has all types of food such as canned goods, rice, beans, and more. La casita also provides diapers and winter coats anyone can donate to help. This is a special month to celebrate and be celebrated
Happy National Hispanic Heritage month!
A special thank you to all those who have made Hispanic heritage month possible.